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北京交通大学“与大师面对面”名师讲坛系列活动-彩票平台大全 0913

报告人:邹玉龙 教授 南京邮电大学

题 目: Exploiting Network Cooperation in Energy Efficient Wireless Communication

时 间:2013年9月13日(周五)上午10:30

地 点:9教北307B

主 办:北京交通大学研究生工作部

承 办:北京交通大学计算机与信息技术学院


邹玉龙于2006年以优异成绩毕业于南京邮电大学并获得学士学位,同年参加全国硕士研究生入学统一考试,以总成绩第一名(其中数学获得149 分/满分150分)进入南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院信号与信息处理专业,以硕博连读方式攻读博士学位。因在读期间的出色表现,2009 年5 月受邀到美国斯蒂文斯理工学院进行学术访问研究,以访问学者身份于斯蒂文斯理工学院电子与计算机工程系攻读博士学位,于2009年师从软件无线电与认知无线电创始人”Joseph Mitola III,并于2012年获得博士学位。其研究范畴包括认知无线电,物理层安全,信号处理等领域。邹玉龙博士以第一作者在IEEE Trans期刊发表论文12篇,涵盖IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications(A1区),IEEE trans on wireless communication(A2区), IEEE trans on signal processing(A2区)等无线通信网络领域顶级期刊。同时任 IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials(A1区,影响因子6.1,为无线通信领域最高检索因子杂志), IEEE Communications Letters等期刊的编委。2010年12月获得“美国斯蒂文斯理工学院杰出研究助理”;2011年12月, 获得“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”;2012年5月, 获得“美国斯蒂文斯理工学院Edward Peskin奖”。2013年起至今受聘为南京邮电大学教授。


There is a growing interest in energy efficient wireless communication to reduce the energy consumption in cellular networks. Since today’s wireless terminals are typically equipped with multiple network access interfaces such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular networks, this talk investigates user terminals cooperating with each other in transmitting their data packets to the base station (BS), by exploiting the multiple network access interfaces, called internetwork cooperation. We also examine the conventional schemes without user cooperation and with intra-network cooperation for comparison. Given target outage probability and data rate requirements, we analyze the energy consumption of conventional schemes as compared to the proposed inter-network cooperation by taking into account both physical-layer channel impairments and upper-layer protocol overheads. It is shown that distances between different network entities (i.e., user terminals and BS) have a significant influence on the energy efficiency of proposed inter-network cooperation scheme. Specifically, when the cooperating users are close to BS or the users are far away from each other, the inter-network cooperation may consume more energy than conventional schemes without user cooperation or with intra-network cooperation. However, as the cooperating users move away from BS and the inter-user distance is not too large, the inter-network cooperation significantly reduces the energy consumption over conventional schemes.